I was invited to a dinner at Queens’ College in Cambridge a few weeks ago. I got talking to another attendee, and said enthusiastically:
“Do you know, I don’t think I’ve been here since I was an undergraduate. Back then I was here every week.”
“No. This is where the Star Trek society met.”
My mother despaired of me: a 21-year-old woman who had a giant crush on a yellow android, went around in public with a communicator keyring that went “burbleburble” and wore a Bajoran earring. (Everything turned out OK in the end.)
So this project…let’s say it really appealed to me.
REAL nerds know it stands for Library Computer Access/Retrieval System.
This is the first finished, publicly available LCARS interface we’ve seen for the Pi (and it works with a touchscreen as well); Toby Kurien has made this adaptable for any project you’re running on your Raspberry Pi, so you can substitute your own retro-future display for whatever dull desktop you’ve been using up until now. Everything you need is on Toby’s GitHub. Toby’s using one of our official displayshere, and the finished product looks (and sounds) great.
While Toby’s using this interface to monitor and control different parts of his automated house, he’s made it easy for you to swap in your own project. Go and take a look at the code, and report back if you end up using it!
This is not a Rob Z post, but I am going to pretend it is.
View more at: http://yoursmart.mobi
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